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Asden (IOC-39)

Z Drakaniaverse

Asden is...




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Asden.. .. a shadow who found himself home in the Old Camp of the colony after Gomez’es revolution. Asden didn’t really participate in revolution itself, but he was around right people. He knew about them, he knew what they might be up to, even though he was never meant to know. After all, it was his previous job.

Asden was information broker. He knew about lots of people. Bad people, good people, normal people. The most sensitive and most expensive was to get information about aristocracy. And Asden was the right person to do it. He was a reason why some important people get their heads chopped off.

For example, he gained small access to the treasure room of Trelis to look at important documents about security of borders with Varant. He eventually visited the desert to meet with his contact for the job. It was Hashinshin with “funny” looking robe. And he used two swords, Asden never saw that before.

Asden has many unused information because sometimes, his contact never came to the meeting place. So he had half of the payment and information. He learned some secret recipes of potions, blueprints of sword and armor but he can never use it. He doesn’t know how. He can only repair a bow and his rapier. He was interested in ways of mages, but rather than believing in Gods, he would use their power. But his work was his own downfall. He became too dangerous to be around. As he was tasked to find some dirt on King Rhobar II. which was the last job he did to get gold. It was a trap set by king’s council. Asden would end up in jail if he went quietly down but he killed 2 thugs council hired to capture him. But he did not kill them. He did much more… /find via RP :P/

As result of that, he was charged with blackmail and murder. Henceforth he was a prisoner in a miner’s colony. When Gomez became the leader of the Old Camp, he knew about Asden’s skills and made him a shadow to work for him. To gather intel about his own people, the area, and the other camps..


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