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Adrio (Fergana-55)

Z Drakaniaverse

Adrio is ...


Talkative - he often talks too much and about things that most often don't make sense Reckless - prudent people will think twice before doing something, and he is not one of them


Accurate eye - years of practice have made him a master of his craft Skilful - he knows how to sneak undetected into many a beast.... and more than one purse


He spent his childhood in a small fishing settlement. He was a rather mouthy kid with a long tongue, which made people not give him much sympathy. He befriended the still young Harris, who remains his best friend to this day. They sometimes went to a nearby tavern and drank honey. When he grew up, he followed in his father's footsteps and also became a hunter. He earned money by selling his trophies and also made a living on the sidelines. He could not complain about the lack of food.


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