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Category:Morgrad Prime

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Morgrad Prime is the main universe, essentially just the (very much edited) Gothic Franchise on which the rest of the worlds are based on.


Hear the words of the gods, for it is their will that you shall hear them. Heed the teachings of the gods, for it is their will that you shall heed them. Honor the priests of the gods, for they are the chosen ones.

The word of Innos: And if it shall happen that you do not understand, do not despair at the words of the priests, for they are just and wise. For I am the rising sun, the light, and the life. And all that is contrary to the sun is contrary to me, and shall be banished in the shadows forever more.

The word of Adanos: Work and live, for the day was created so that man may work. Seek learning and knowledge so that you may pass it on, for it is for that purpose that you were created. But whosoever shall be listless and idle, he shall be banished into the shadows forever more.

The word of Beliar: But whosoever shall do wrong and go against the will of the gods, him I will punish. I will plague his body with pain, suffering and death, but his spirit shall join me in the shadows forever more.

Of the beginning of time: There was no night and no day, and no living thing moved across the land. Then Innos appeared and his light shone across the world. And Innos gave unto the world, the gift of life. But no creature could leave in the light of Innos, so he created the sun. But still, the light was too bright. So Innos divided himself, and thus created Beliar. Beliar created the night. Now man could be. So Innos divided himself again and created Adanos. Adanos brought man versatility, knowledge, curiosity and courage. Innos was satisfied with what he had done.

And he decided to leave mankind in the care of Adanos, and he rested. But Beliar was consumed by envy, for the people did not pray to him, but slept at night. He grew angry and created a man. A man to pray to him alone. But the man he created was like all the other men. Beliar became so furious that he killed the man and spoke: If they will not worship me, then at least they shall fear me. And he created death and ended the lives of men.

Innos gave mankind the power the hear him and speak to him. he gave mankind the power to perform great miracles, and he called them magic. With this power, the people were able to design the world after their will. Innos gave them no limits. And thus man received a portion of the divine power of creation. But not all the people were equal, and this dissatisfied them. So he took the power from the discontented. Innos raised the few who had shown him gratitude above the others.

These few were soon revered and feared, and the people called them priests. But among them there were many that soon became dissatisfied. And so it happened that they prayed to Adanos and forgot their origins. The league of priests was divided. Wars ensued and the faith in divine omnipotence soon became a myth. And so the priests were separated. Those followed Adanos were called Magicians of the Circle of Water, while the priests of Innos became known as the Magicians of the Circle of Fire.
—Unknown, Words of the Gods, Volumes 1-3

But the light was a torment for Beliar. And all that Innos created was destroyed by Beliar.

But Adanos saw that, this way, nothing could exist at all. No light, and no darkness.

And so he set himself between his brothers in order to reconcile their dispute. And he did not succeed.

But there, where Adanos stood, was a place in which Innos and Beliar had no power.

And in this place Order and Chaos were equal. And so the sea was created.

And the sea released the land. And there arose all creatures. Trees as well as animals. Wolves as well as sheep. And last of all arose the human.

And Adanos was pleased with what was arisen. And he delighted in all the beings equally.

But so great was the wrath of Beliar that he came across the land and chose the beast. And Beliar spoke to it. And the beast became his subject.

And Beliar gave unto it a portion of his divine power, so that it might destroy the land.

But Innos beheld what Beliar had done. And he also bestrode the land, and chose the human. And Innos spoke to him. And the human became his subject.

And Innos gave unto him a portion of his divine power, so that he might undo the work of Beliar.

And Beliar spoke to another creature. But Adanos brought forth the tide, and the creature was washed from the face of the earth.

But with it, the trees and animals were also washed away. And a deep sadness overcame Adanos.

And thus spake Adanos to his brothers: Never again shall you walk upon my land. For it is sacred. And so shall it be.

But the human and the beast waged war upon the land of Adanos. And the wrath of the gods was with them.

And the human slew the beast and it entered in to Beliar's realm.

But Adanos saw that Order and Chaos were now unequal and he bade Innos to take his divine power from the human.

And Innos, in his wisdom, did so.

But Adanos feared for the day in which the beast would return to the land.

And so he bade Innos to leave a part of his power in his realm, so that he might restore it to the human if the beast should return.

And Innos, in his wisdom, did so.
Vatras the Water MageWords of the Prophets

In the center lies the Morgrad, containing the four elements earth, water, fire and air. It is the place of the transience, the heart of the inexplicable darkness of Beliar. Above all this towers the sphere of heavens.

In the hierarchy of the universe, man is a receiver. His soul allows him to take part in the highest plane of existence, the divine spirit. Yet man's body is made from the substance of the Morgrad. He is a reflection of the world itself.

The synodic orbit of the planets, that is the course they take between two identical positions in relation with the Morgrad of our world, varies by just a few degrees every century. We therefore conclude that we are constantly moving with the rest of the universe.

When we created the first calendar we observed the course of the moon to determine the length of the solar year.
—Unknown, Astronomy


To see the timeline of this world, check Timeline.

Major Inhabitants


Known Religions



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