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Kategoria:Linie Czasowe

Z Drakaniaverse
Wersja z dnia 14:59, 30 lip 2024 autorstwa DamianQ (dyskusja | edycje) (DamianQ przeniósł(-osła) stronę Kategoria:Timelines of the Multiverse do Kategoria:Linie Czasowe, bez pozostawienia przekierowania pod starym tytułem)
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All I can say about the influence of gods in other worlds is this: that is The Architect's doing. It's not that the three gods just randomly pop out in all those worlds and do shit despite the fact they were focused on Morgrad Prime and had different intentions there. For example, in Morgrad-44, which is THE Gothic timeline clone in this multiverse, these are not real godly trio giving out powers and showing up for people. It's their echoes, conjured by the Architect. All the powers however ARE real and exactly the same as in Prime world. The avatars, mages and everyone else do possess the same powers regardless of the world they're in - the fundamental rules of Magic, Life, Death, etc. are a constant throughout the multiverse.

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