Inne akcje
Zerrit is...
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They were the dregs of society, the scum. An amazing gathering, born of war, misfortune and contempt. War, misfortune and contempt united them and threw them ashore, as a river that rises in high water throws black pieces of wood polished by water and stones onto the reaches.
... Zerrit woke up amid smoke, fire and blood in a ruined castle, between the corpses of relatives and parents. Wandering through the courtyard strewn with the dead, he came across Feer , a soldier from the corps of punishers, whom the King Rhobar II sent to pacify the riots.
Feer was one of those who captured and destroyed the castle after two days of siege. Having captured the castle, the companions abandoned Feer, although Feer was still alive.
At first, Zerrit thought to finish off Feer, but he did not want to wander alone. And Feer, like Zerrit, was sixteen years old. They licked their wounds together. Together they killed and robbed a tax collector, drank beer together in a tavern.
Caezar deserted from the army. At the same time, Caezar probably did not really understand where the recruiters dragged him. He was completely drunk at the time. Having sobered up and received a reprimand from the sergeant during the drill, he ran away. At first he wandered alone, but when the Orcs defeated the rebel confederation, the forests became crowded with deserters and fugitives. The fugitives quickly formed gangs. Caezar stuck to one of them. Caezar, Feer, and Zerrit didn't have to look for each other for a long time. There were too many things that made them stand out in the crowd. They had too much in common behind them. They were united by their love of loud, colorful, fancy clothes, stolen trinkets, swords, which they did not take off even while dancing. They were distinguished by audacity and arrogance, self-confidence, bullying and rudeness. Contempt and neglect. Only force was recognized. Dexterity in the possession of weapons, which they quickly acquired on the roads. Determination.
And friends. Comrades. Because a lonely person must die – from hunger, from a sword, from an arrow, from an Orc's club, from a rope and a fire. The lonely one is dying – stabbed, beaten, desecrated, raped, tossed from hand to hand like a toy.
A lot of people were chasing them. A lot of people tried to kill them and grind them into powder. Nothing could prevent the bloody thirst of this trio...
... So, their gang was called "The Scavengers." One day some peasant called them that and they liked it and the nickname was accepted by the rest of the fugitives. The gang consisted of the three young men and 2 girls, whom Zerrit and Feer brought along. One was called Gill and the other was called Nyx
...They were a rag-tag bunch. Some had been soldiers, some were deserters. But they all shared the same hatred, contempt and anger towards the people. Other such gangs came across quickly, and mostly of the same type. Often they were caught selling stolen goods. But the scavengers didn't care. They didn't care about gold, jewelry. They slaughtered entire villages, had fun, and they took all the loot to other villages and distributed it to passers-by. They didn't care about the law, they didn't care about the war.
They didn't care about anything except for themselves and their gang. They were like the river that carries away everything – wood, stones, rubbish, and corpses.
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