Inne akcje
Tristan is a former captain of the Harpy Company. Currently a lonely wanderer who is probably located in Myrtana. One of the best warriors in the Myrtan Kingdom.
Tristan was a person with an ironic sense of humor. By not worrying about problems and having an optimistic view of the future, he could give the impression of a person inexperienced by life. He can be sardonic and often finds himself threatening others or arrogantly retaliating against someone. He is self-confident and his character tells him to do what he pleases. He can be uncouth at times. Tristan always remains loyal to his friends, and he cared more about his people than himself. He always tries to keep his word, unless he no longer believes in the honesty or good intentions of the person to whom he promised something. He is guided by his own principles, which he fully obeys thanks to his strong will. He is a non-conformist, always walking his own paths. Since losing the battle for Gotha, he has been gloomy and dark. He has fallen into alcohol addiction.
Tristan is one of the best warriors on the continent. An excellent swordsman and a proficient archer. He also has great tactical and strategic skills. He also knows the basics of herbalism and first aid. He also plays the lute and flute not too badly.
Tristan was born in a nobleman's mansion owned by his parents, which was located near Vengard. He had no siblings. His parents, although they planned to expand the family, were unable to, as his mother aborted all subsequent children. There were rumors among the servants that this was a curse placed on the Curter family by Beliar for their alleged occultism. Tristan, at the age of 16, couldn't stand the slander from the people and fled north, ending up in Nordmar. There, chilled and hungry, he encountered a group of wandering warriors who fed and took him in. Under the tutelage of their trainer, One-Eyed, he learned sword fighting. One-Eye, the commander, taught him tactics, while Feather taught him archery.
Orc hunter
As the orcs began arriving in the south in ever-larger groups, burning and destroying everything in their path, the mercenaries that Tristan joined began to hunt the greenskins. The boy grew and acquired fighting skills. Among his companions he met the not much older Gawain, with whom he was sent to scout the area.
One day the hunters reached two miles from Myrtana Pass, where they smashed another group of orcs. After the battle, One-Eye sent Gawain and Curter ahead, saying they would join them already near the pass. The boys never met their comrades again, who were surprised on the way and defeated by the orcs in a heroic battle, taking some 60 orcs with them.
After a year of wandering and dodging orc wards, the friends arrived in Montera, where they called at an inn, getting drunk. The next day they were awakened by the roar of an alarm horn. Orcs surrounded the city, preparing to storm. Tristan and Gawain joined the defenders and, after proving their experience in fighting orcs, were assigned as commanders of the smaller troops. The attack, which began at dawn, was repulsed, and the city hailed the wanderers as heroes. Unfortunately, the same day after dusk, the orc attack was renewed by surprise. Varan assassins broke through the second gate, and together with the orcs slaughtered the inhabitants. Tristan managed to defeat with his small detachment a group of varantians led by Samir, an excellent swordsman from Ishtar. Curter, during a duel with his opponent, was thrown off the city walls into the courtyard where Gawain's men were defending themselves against the orcs. There he defeated one of the orc leaders, but at the same time the assassins rushed into the courtyard. One of the southerners stabbed Tristan with a poisoned dagger between the ribs. Just as the attacker was about to knock him out, Curter was saved by his friend, who killed his opponent and helped Tristan crawl to the edge of the city, where he was to be treated. Gawain then returned to his men, where the overwhelming enemy forces massacred the defenders. Gawain was killed in the battle, and moments later Tristan lost consciousness through the poison he had in his blood.
Tristan was carried out of Montera by fire mage Rion, who led the surviving residents out of the city through the back gate. The mage cleansed the warrior's bloodstream of poison and treated him. Tristan, when he recovered, trained the strongest survivors in the basics of combat, and then, together with Rion and the charismatic archer, Gann, took command of the group. After consulting with his co-commanders, he decided to take the group to Vengard, from where they were to sail away to the Southern Isles. Unfortunately, in Vengard, it turned out that the South Islands had closed their ports for fear of an excessive wave of refugees. Tristan decided to change course to the island of Khorinis, where he would give his charges a quiet life in a port city.
Curter spent considerable time on Khorinis. For completing a couple of assignments as a mercenary, he earned the funds to rent the inn "Under the Dead Harpy," where he formed the Harpy Company and began recruiting for his mercenary team. It was a period when the rebels from the farms were rebelling against the paladins who had taken over the island. It didn't take long before the rebels gathered an eager army of peasants and attacked the city walls. That's when a lord came to Tristan and begged for help in defense, in exchange for 100,000 gold pieces. The captain agreed. The siege was halted, although the city suffered great losses. During this siege, a certain Kaladin, an extremely experienced warrior, died at Tristan's hands. After returning to the inn, Curter was visited by a woman representing the rebels. She wanted the Company to help them fight, but Tristan refused, saying his men needed to recuperate. A month later, the mercenary commander learned that the woman he was talking to at the time, and who visited his inn many more times afterwards, having friendly discussions with Tristan, had been murdered by the captain of the pirate crew, Wolfer. Curter decided to get to the murderer and bring justice. In the course of his investigation, he also learned that Wolfer had been assisted by a certain necromancer. Tristan took his men and headed for the port, waiting for one of the pirates to show up. And it happened. A pirate from the murderer's crew came by boat to the port, wanting to buy rum at the inn. Curter extracted the necessary information from him and sailed with his men to Wolfer's ship, which he then killed in a duel, and had its crew and the necromancer who supported it slaughtered every last one of them. The next day Tristan found a wounded eagle, which he treated and named it Gawain (in honor of his friend). He later spent a lot of time taming the animal. A week later, news of orcs gathering at the pass reached the Company Captain. So the Harpy Company set out for the Mining Valley to find out what the situation was there. From the lord of the valley's castle, the mercenaries learned about the orc and dragon attacks, after which they accepted a commission to slay at least one dragon and defend the castle against the orcs. Curter prepared the defense of the castle, which succeeded in repelling the attack of the greenskins. Tristan then set out to hunt the flying beast, which the Company also managed to do. Returning to the castle, the mercenaries noticed a large army of orcs coming out from behind the palisade. They unanimously decided that it was high time to disappear from Khorinis, after which they went behind the palisade, from where they took an orc galleon and set sail on the high seas, taking a course for Myrtana.
Myrtana - Defense of Gotha
When Curter's men sailed to Myrtana, they went to Gotha at the urging of paladins who were struggling to defend their headquarters from orcs. The Harpy Company decided to help the knights maintain their fortifications in exchange for weapons made of magical ore. The paladins agreed.
The orcs stormed from the side of the farm, which was in front of the fortress. The paladins defended the castle, firing salvos from crossbows and hitting the few who reached the gates with their white weapons. Finally, the greenskins rolled out siege machines. Just as they were about to fire towards the castle, a Company came from the north and destroyed the machines, preventing the orcs from continuing their attack. The attacker retreated, and Tristan's men were paid with weapons that made fighting the enemy much easier.
Battle of Faring
After the victory in the defense of Gotha, the Company, together with two detachments of paladins, moved at Faring, where the orcs had set up their encampments. The attack was launched at dusk. Curter's men and the paladins crossed in front of the river, passing under the bridge, and attacked the resting orcs. When the orcs realized what was happening and prepared to counterattack, the city's defenders came running from Faring, pouncing on the greenskins from the other side. Although the orcs were forced to temporarily retreat, Curter's warriors remained in the city.
Soon the orcs laid siege to the city under the leadership of a minor orc chieftain. Thanks to the city's strong fortifications, disciplined men and the extraordinary abilities of the Harpy Company, the attack was repulsed and the chieftain defeated. Tristan, however, had nothing to celebrate. One of his men, Marco, was killed during the battle. He was not one of the best, but had loyally served Tristan almost from the beginning of the Company. The captain was very much affected by the first loss of a subordinate in his life.
Battle of Gotha
News reached the Captain that a large army of orcs had gathered near the fortress they had defended some time ago. They prepared for battle, then moved to support the paladins' headquarters. The army was coming from the north. It consisted of ordinary warriors, an orc elite, a few chieftains and even shamans. Before the Company could sneak into the stronghold of the Knights of Innos, a large orc bell was struck, ringing out sonorously. At that moment, the orc army surged toward the stronghold. The company had to act quickly. Curter decided. He grabbed the curved hilt of his sword and yanked the weapon from behind his belt. The bluish blade flashed, reflecting the sunlight. Soon Curter's men drew their weapons together, standing behind the captain with a wall. -Loyal always and everywhere, brothers.... - said Tristan, smiling at his comrades, then moved to the paladin gate, breaking through the orcs. Behind him ran the Company, slaughtering the greenskins on the road. Suddenly Simon, the Company's lieutenant and Tristan's deputy, received three crossbow shots, slipping to his knees. He hissed in pain, looking at the orcs, then swung his sword, killing two more. A moment later, Syrius was also killed, taking a fatal axe blow to the head. At that moment, the gates of Gotha opened and paladins rushed out, assisting the Company. Before the orcs were forced to retreat, they seriously wounded Edril still, whom Tristan nor anyone else later found among the dead. Curter began to lose faith in himself as his men began to die. He was also exhausted by the constant fighting and wandering. For the first time in a very long time, he found some time to reflect on himself. He thought about whether he had done the right thing in leaving Khorinis. Whether he did the right thing by helping the Myrtanians.
Cursed Fortress
3 days later, orc shamans gathered near Gotha. They raised their anklets, uttering words in the orcish language. Then they knelt on the ground, driving the anklets into the ground. The sky darkened. Black clouds began to gather over Gotha. Lightning began to strike the towers of the fortress, until finally a powerful, scarlet lightning bolt struck the center of Gotha's courtyard. As the red glow disappeared, a winged demon appeared to the residents, wielding a great sword shrouded in blood-red light. The beast of Beliar seemed to accumulate a raven-black mist, which instantly enveloped the entire fortress, transforming all the paladins into defiled monsters of darkness. After a while, the inhabitants also began to change into undead, and finally Girius - one of the members of the Harpy Company - as well. Tristan understood. Neither he nor the other members of the Company had turned, because the dark power worked only on the followers of Innos, perhaps also Adanos. He and the surviving companions did not follow any of the gods. The brave team began to fight the fearsome enemy army, retreating to the gates of Gotha. In an instant, a demon flew up to them, killing three companions with three slashes. Then Eldan rushed at him. He wounded the dark creature several times, but the creature finally grabbed him by the throat with its powerful grasp and lifted him up, suffocating him, before throwing him against the fortress walls, crushing them. Blackmore and Tristan attacked the demon in anger, which in the course of the fight knocked Curter down and slashed Blackmore's lower abdomen, who at the last moment still slashed the demon's chest and fell to the ground. Tristan got up from the ground, wounding the creature in the back. It still left a scar stretching across the demon's face as it turned around. An exchange of blows followed. The captain parried three blows, but the fourth knocked the weapon out of his hand. A moment later, Beliar's spawn delivered a powerful blow, which Tristan took almost dodging it, making it a miracle that the blow did not chop off his arm. Curter hissed in pain and fell to the ground. As the demon leaned over him to punch him, he drew his dagger, which he then thrust into the being's eye. The demon roared. It took the iron out of the eye socket, then spread its wings and flew off to the Gotha tower, pushing Tristan away with a blast of its wings. The captain got up from the ground and raised his sword. He killed several more undead who approached him, then ran up the castle walls, from which he then jumped, twisting his leg. He marched toward Vengard.
Further fate
Over the next few years, Curter served in a number of mercenary units until he finally came across General Henley Vess, who offered him riches in exchange for his help in capturing the island of Khorinis. Tristan fell by Feradan's hand during the assault as the last of the attackers.
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