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How to: Create Article

From Drakaniaverse
Revision as of 23:57, 28 July 2024 by DamianQ (talk | contribs) (2 wersje: Miraheze backup)
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Hello World!

Thank you for clicking on the link. On this page you will learn how to create articles on the wiki.

If you will have any more questions after this, then I guess you can just write to me on Discord.

Create Page

Before we start, remember to mind the formatting of the name of the article! If you're not sure about it, check how other, similar to your desired page, articles are named.

  • Characters are named like so: [Character Name] ([World Series Name]-[World Number]) example: Arkhan Qualshy (Drakania-86)
  • Worlds: Morgrad-[World Number] example: Morgrad-1
  • …(this will be expanded when I get to more categories)

There's a few ways on how to create a new page:

  • Refer to the main page and find the link under the Expansion header, titled "Create a new article!"
  • Check the navigation's Wiki tools tab and go to Special Pages, then find "Create a page" link
  • In the URL, write your own article name after the wiki link. It should go something like this:[ARTICLE NAME]
  • Click here! This will redirect you to the special page mentioned above.

Create a Missing Page

On Special Pages and the Main Page I also mentioned missing pages. You don't have to worry about the name, since it's already written for you, as long as it's correct for the respective types.


After you end up on your new page, you can switch between visual or source editor. I personally use source because it feels better (also I simply got used to it after all these years). And unfortunately I will write this tutorial with source only in mind, but don't worry, you can switch between editors on the fly to see the changes you're making, so don't worry.

Character Articles

Let's start with something simple (and the only thing that actually is on the wiki as of this date) - Characters!

First off, copy this preset into your new page. Then we will talk about the character template and quickly finish off with the rest of the headers.

  | title=
  | image=*.png
  | image_desc=

  | alias=
  | origin=
  | residence=
  | age=
  | religion=
  | status=

  | race=
  | gender=Male
  | height=
  | eye_color=
  | hair_color=

  | family=
  | factions=
}}'''CHARACTERNAME''' is...

== Personality ==

== Abilities ==

== History ==

== Trivia ==


The template is the little box that appears on every character page on the right of the page. It contains basic information about the character, something you want to add and either can't or decide not to specify in the description or history. And it works also as a shortcut for some redirects (for example family, factions, residence) that help the readers to move about the wiki. Let's talk about those points!

  • Title refers to the very top of the infobox. You can put the whole character name or simply their first name. That's it.
  • Image is a portrait of the character in the infobox, it can also be a gallery if you want to show more than one. It's preferred to use .png format with these (mind you that it's case sensitive, so even .png and .PNG will behave like two different files), and 520x715 resolution. The naming convention of these is quite simple: [FirstName]_[WorldName][WorldNumber].png - for example: Arkhan_Drakania48.png
  • Image_desc refers to the description under the image. Usage example would be: [FullName] (Morgrad-[WorldNumber])
  • Alias is what it is, other names used by your character. You will need to use html formatting here if you have more than one alias - simply write <br> between the names (using space is unnecessary).
  • Origin links to the place where the character originated from. It can also contain two different places, if the history of the character makes sense of that. You don't need to put City/Village in here, if the place the character comes from doesn't have any. Usage: [City/Village], [Country/Island] or [Place1]<br>[Place2]
  • Residence can either be the current place where the character stays, or a list of places, with added (former) before <br>.
  • Age is self explanatory. Just write a number and [YearNumber] next to it. Like so: 54 (Year 785)
  • Religion serves two purposes: to point out which god (or all, or none) does the character decide to serve, and which religion does this god come from. Yes, this wiki allows for more than the trio gods to "exist", but more on that on a different article. Usage example: Innos, Ignisnia
  • Status is either 'Alive' or 'Dead'. And also 'Unknown'. And also 'Revived' (as a Zombie or other type of undead or demonic creature)
  • Race is the only one I will mention out of next 5, because you have to link the race. And it's there because (as with the gods), this wiki allows for more than Humans or Orcs. But, again, more on that at different time.
  • Family doesn't need to link to everyone, if you don't want to (or there's no need to) create an article for everyone in the character's family tree. It's mostly for characters that do or will have pages on the wiki, the families in general (like Qualshy family in Arkhan's case), Clans (in case of mainly Nordmar origin). You have to use <br> here the same way like before if you're listing more than one person/family. And also, remember to write the relation the family member has to this character (brother, sister, mother, father, etc.) and if they won't have their own page, then also add their status in the same bracket.
  • Factions behaves the same way as family, but in the case of relation you only have to add it if they're a former member of that faction.

Information about the Character

Phew! Well, that's finally out of the way. Let's end this part of the tutorial by mentioning other parts of the preset and you can go create your first character article!

  • First part is the CHARACTERNAME. You change it to the name of the character. Can be full name or first name, other than that it's a simple short description of who you're writing about.
  • Personality is exactly what it says. It can be in points, or in full sentences.
  • Abilities is a tricky one, because I don't really feel like monitoring each page with how they're describing the abilities. Just remember to write them in points specifically, that's all.
  • History is the main point of the page, write as much as you want, from birth to present time ideally. Just be mindful that the events you're describing won't conflict with the events listed on the world's timeline page or other character stories. We all have to work together to not crash into one another's story!
  • Trivia are bullet points of your character that are simple fun facts either about your character (which couldn't find their place in the biography above) or about your own OOC thoughts of them and the process behind the creation of the character.


Last but not least, remember to add the page to the category! I left the basic category in the preset, but depending on where your character comes from, you will need to add a second one. Just type in the name of the category after [[Category: and close it with ]]. To be sure of the category used, you can check the other articles.







Finishing Thoughts

Well, so that was everything. I hope you learned how to create specific types of articles for this wiki and that the tutorial was comprehensible. Feel free to ask me questions about it, and don't worry if the formatting you used on your page won't do well the first time. I'm here not to just throw articles left and right, but also moderate and oversee the wiki I created for all of us, so I will sometimes go around and fix the formatting or mention issues if necessary.