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Sinister Cruz is a powerful warrior from the Wolf Clan, the last survivor of the orc attack.
Arrogant, he hates anything unnatural: i.e. Magic, Gods, and other mystical crap. He is honorable and loyal as long as someone is honest with him and his principles. He likes and respects Arkhan but does not show it because of his lies. He is grateful to him because thanks to him he survived and learned many useful things. Despite all he has experienced, Sinister is very emotional so he is very much affected by the deaths of those close to him although he does not show it, he can be also very wrathful but can forgive. Through all these events, Sinister has closed himself off and does not show his feelings, making him seem insensitive.
- Very high endurance - Sinister is very durable or, in short, can withstand many blows and is not afraid of harsh conditions.
- High physical fitness - Sinister is very strong, fast and agile, thanks to self-denial in his determination to become the greatest warrior the earth has ever seen.
- High intellect - Sinister, despite his impulsiveness, usually thinks and then does, he is able to analyze situations and find a solution, he does not always succeed but so far he has managed to survive.
- Two-handed sword mastery - Sinister is a master of the two-handed sword thanks to years of training and developing his own fighting technique, he is arguably the best fighter the world has seen, he was even able to defeat the likes of Arkhan Qualshy and Bartired Qualshy.
- Command skills - Sinister can lead a small squad in a regular war or carry out guerrilla warfare, and is no stranger to running small camps.
- Very high combat intelligence - Sinister is able to assess the strength of his opponent, learns with each fight and figures out a person very quickly, making him almost unbeatable in battle.
Sinister was born in the smaller village of the Wolf Clan where his father was the commander of the guards guarding the village and the right hand of the Wolf Clan chief. His mother was a simple woman who took care of the household, and he had 2 siblings, an older brother Liam and a younger sister Core. The village was a peaceful place thanks in part to Sinister's father who was a veteran of the I War against the Orcs where he held the position of commander of the 3rd Corps of the Nordmar Force. Sinister grew up in a peaceful and prosperous village, and in his spare time he trained with his father in sword fighting. When Sinister grew older his father taught him to fight with a two-handed sword, until he was 10 years old when the village was attacked by Orcs. Unfortunately, at the same time, half of the guards guarding the young Sinister's village left to support the Orc Hunters from the Wolf Clan's main village. The Orcs burned buildings and killed anyone who got in their way, the guards couldn't organize quickly enough as they were left with almost only recruits, fortunately they were in time to evacuate some of the residents to a secret basement in the main building in the village and among them was Sinister along with his sister, brother and mother. After the sounds of fighting ceased, the residents waited out the day in the basement and then went outside, but they didn't expect the orcs to stay in the burned village, as they combed every account thoroughly as if in search of someone or something. The orcs immediately realized the presence of the villagers and finished the job, his sister was killed along with his mother because they were at the beginning of the crowd, while Sinister and his brother were at the end, at the last moment when they were about to kill Sinister his brother Liam protected him with his own body, and the last expression on his face was a warm smile and the movement of his lips probably saying some words. Sinister was left alone but at that moment a stranger appeared who killed the Orcas at an alarming rate, Sinister did not see who it was because he was holding his brother's corpse sitting on the ground. When it was all over he saw the face of Arkhan who was smiling as warmly at him as his brother had just done. After Sinister shook himself and Arkhan introduced himself, the search for his father immediately began, they found the corpse in front of where the door to the town hall once stood, the sword that Sinister had taken with him when he left the village with Arkhan lay there with him. They buried Sinister's family before leaving, however, and set out into the world together.
Sinister quickly got used to Arkhan. He also told him after a few weeks what exactly happened in the village and they promised each other never to return to this topic again. Arkhan wanting to teach the boy everything he himself knew about survival, combat, as well as life itself dealt harshly with him , Sinister was no stranger to this as his father, an old war veteran, used similar methods to those he had learned in the army, but Sinister did not follow Arkhan's recommendations as much as his father's for a simple reason, Arkhan was not his father. For as long as Sinister could remember he had always defied Arkhan and even as a last resort ran away from him, only to be found later in a nearby town or village where Sinister sometimes messed things up and sometimes just wanted to make friends, which is how, among other things, he met Hermita. Arkhan, fearing for the boy, was very overprotective and did not allow him to move around too freely despite the boy's great independence. Sinister, contrary to how it would seem, liked his guardian very much, gave him respect and admired him. Arkhan's upbringing pleased Sinister at times, as his strictness reminded him of his long-dead father. The boy also set himself the goal of becoming the best, bravest and strongest warrior mother earth had the honor to bear. Over the years he has trained hard not only to fight with a sword, but also to develop his strength and agility, which has greatly benefited him in the future as he is stronger and more agile than most warriors.
One day after an argument with Arkhan, Sinister, as usual, took a little trip to de-stress, but something didn't sit right with him from the beginning, it seemed to him that someone was following him but he wasn't too concerned about it. When he reached a clearing in a small canyon he was surrounded by figures in black armor and there were black figures on top.
After a short battle and Sinister's defeat, Arkhan came to the rescue. Unfortunately, the mysterious people turned out to be very strong so Arkhan had to use his hidden powers, which Sinister did not know about before. The opponents were killed and a fierce argument arose between Sinister and Arkhan which led to another fight, this time between Sinister and Arkhan. Unfortunately, the not-yet-experienced Sinister lost this loss, after which he ran away from Arkhan for good.
This is how Sinister began his lonely trek around the world. First wanting to return to Nordmar, he joined bandits near Montera. Sinister, after only a month with the bandits, wanted to leave them to go to Nordmar, but unfortunately, the day before Sinister's planned escape from the bandits, the camp was attacked by guard captain Nikolass. The bandits were uprooted as they were not expecting the attack, there would have been no casualties on the side of the guards had Sinister not killed two guards. The guard captain, seeing this, fled from Sinister who threw himself after him, and after leaving the cave, two dozen guards were already waiting for him. Sinister was captured and imprisoned in the dungeon, bad luck was that one of the guards he killed was the brother-in-law of the guard captain, the same bad luck was also that the captain was not fond of his brother-in-law and tolerated him only for the sake of his sister, who, as he put it, "loved the poor fool very much." Sinister was sentenced to death after judgment, but before that he was subjected to a very brutal torture that lasted two days, only after that they were going to execute him, but the captain had other plans for Sinister. Seeing that Sinister was more talented than his men of the guard, he decided to conscript him into his secret special squad, which performed tasks that were superior to ordinary guards and too dirty for the captain to afford to commission them to the guards.
On the day of the execution that was to take place in public, Nikolas commissioned his organization to recapture Sinister from the hands of the guards who were to bring him to the hanging yard. As usual, the captain's men completed the task without much difficulty. During that action Sinister met for the first time Udar, who was in the team that recaptured Sinister. After avoiding execution, Nikolas introduced Sinister to how things were going and recruited him into the ranks of his organization, at which time Sinister learned their name. The Silver Speech, for that's what they used to call themselves, consisted head to head of outlaws who were too above average to join the regular bandits but not too good not to get caught.
For more than five years, Sinister carried out tasks assigned to him by Nikolas along with members of the Silver Speech. After so many years, Sinister became friends with the Silver Speech members and treated them like family. Over time, Nikolas' ambitions grew and he moved closer and closer to his goal of becoming governor of Montera. The Silver Speech was given more and more bloody, brutal and immoral tasks, which caused more and more hatred among the residents towards the organization, and to make matters worse Nikolas recruited common bandits, which did not please the members of the organization and commander Tandor himself.
In the end, Silver Speech was given a task, a task that would culminate their actions and put an end to the group's cruel activities once and for all, and the members themselves were to go their separate ways, the very day Sinister was waiting for, the day they would kill the governor of Montere and Nikolas himself would take over the office since all his enemies were already dead, and he himself was more than just the captain of the city guard. Nikolas became the hero who would liberate Montera from the fear that plagued it, the Silver Speech, and he earned that title by capturing minor members of the organization who were recruited by him to commission a terrible crime and then capture and execute them. It became obvious that after the death of the governor, he would easily take over his position since the people adored him and the rest of the important people were on his side. On that day Sinister was assigned to a group of Rafix's, the right hand of Tandor's and also his brother, together with Udar they were tasked with killing the governor when he would speak under the strict protection of the guards. When the governor came out and spoke to the people of Montera, at the same time the city guards found the Silver Speech's hideout and slaughtered almost all the members of the organization. To the rescue of Tandor and the rest of the survivors came Sinister, along with Rafix and Udar, who learned of Nikolas' betrayal from guards who attacked the group of assassins after Udar fired a fatal crossbow shot directly at the governor. After murdering all the guards, Sinister and the rest had to flee because they were not strong enough to take revenge on Nikolas, and they knew that the terrified and power-hungry Nikolas would not stop until he had killed all the inconvenient witnesses to his cruel crimes.
They hid in Trelis to wait out the threat and devise a plan to take revenge on Nikolas for his betrayal and the murder of almost all members of the Silver Speech. Thanks to friends who from Trelis, Sinister and the others got to Montera on the eve of Nikolai's appointment as governor. The remaining Sinister along with Udar kidnapped Nikolas from his own home and dragged him to a hideout behind a waterfall where he was subjected to weeks of torture carefully selected by Sinister and several other members. After this Nikolas was freed and news of his crimes spread throughout Myrtana making Nikolas an outcast, he had to hide for the rest of his life and the torture presented to him by Silver Speech definitely made it easier. Thanks to these events, Sinister earned the nickname of the Torturer of Montera.
After taking their revenge, each member stated that they would each go their separate ways but keep in touch with each other. And so Sinister set off for Nordmar, where he hadn't been in over five years. The first place Sinister went was to the Wolf Clan to meet an old friend of his father's there, Felix Roth, to ask him for a favor, which was to help him train in two-handed sword fighting. This is how Sinister spent two equal years training with Felix resulting in Sinister's excellent skill development and arousing interest among the warriors of the Fire Clan, the most prominent soldiers in all of Nordmar as well as not on the continent.
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