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drakaniaversewiki>DamianQ Created page with "{{CharacterTemplate | title=Viper | image=Zmija_Fergana55.png | image_desc=Viper (Morgrad-55) | alias= | origin=Nordmar | residence= | age=22 | religion= | status=Alive | race=Human | gender=Male | height= | eye_color= | hair_color= | family= | factions= }}'''Viper''' is ... == Personality == Viper is not a talkative man, he will do anything to reach his destination. He has never liked cooperating with others, always prefer..." |
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Viper is ...
Viper is not a talkative man, he will do anything to reach his destination. He has never liked cooperating with others, always preferring to wander alone. He stays away from fights and tries not to cause trouble. Distrustful of strangers.
Proficient thief, experienced when it comes to fighting with one-handed and two-handed weapons, unable to use ranged weapons. He knows how to strip skins from animals and how to gut them. He knows how to create armor from leather and fur so he could make equipment for himself. He mostly uses his incredible agility to sneak up on game and to steal.
One day while a blizzard prevailed, a mysterious figure wearing a wolf-skin cloak wandered through the lands of Nordmar. Visibility was minimal, one could barely see the objects in front of him. After a few moments of travel, a light could be seen coming from a cave in the distance, the curious traveler set out to investigate the cave, but in it was an unpleasant surprise. Bandits had made a temporary camp in it, when they noticed the stranger they drew their swords, after which their commander said: "You look like you can do something, I'll give you a choice join us or we'll kill you." The traveler didn't have much of a choice, he didn't want to die in such a way, so without thinking he replied: "I have made up my mind to join you." The bandits looked at the stranger after a moment, hiding their weapons at the sign of the band leader. The leader pointed to a vacant spot by the fire, but without saying a word. The wanderer after watched for a while, then squatted by the fire, not knowing what awaited him. Some of the bandits engaged in conversation, and some looked at their new companion. After several minutes, the leader of the shaykh asked: "What is your name?" and the stranger answered: "This information wouldn't change much in your views." The shaykh looked at the wanderer, but showed no anger or wrath. The moment of silence was again broken by the band commander: "So we will come up with a name for you, but first you will prove whether I was wrong about you." After these words, the bandits began to talk about their plans to cross the border between Nordmar and Myrtana. From what could be heard they talked about getting rich by raiding smaller farms. When the blizzard stopped and the dark starry sky could be seen, the stranger returned to the cave, leaned against the wall and tried to sleep, but he was fully alert and kept one eye open. In the morning, barely sleepy, he got up and noticed the gathering of the shaykh and the chieftain who told him that they would be leaving in a while: "It's time to cross the border.... there will be somewhere to make money.... haha." After minutes of discussion, everyone got ready and they set off. They traveled for a couple of hours, when you could finally feel that the snow underfoot was disappearing and the landscape was changing, but from a distance you could see a guard post, and that didn't mean anything good, because it was standing in the way of crossing the border, but the head of the shaykh didn't back down and they moved on. It didn't take long and they were already standing in front of the post. Without thinking long they rushed inside surprising the guards stationed there. A fight like a fight... there was nothing to describe it guards were not ready for the attack from the bandits. Two bandits were killed when they finally captured the post. The bandits scattered around the camp for a while to gather useful equipment. Only the person about whom this story is about came out to the middle of the square. The commander noticed the newcomer in the shaykh, then approached him and said: "Oh boy, you brandished that sword so fast.... you must be quite agile.... yes... you'll get the nickname Viper in our gang." Viper just nodded to show the gesture that he agreed. About two hours passed, after which the bandits burned the post behind them and crossed the border. Viper's subsequent fate looked similar.... plundering smaller farms, staying away from larger towns. Weeks passed until finally letters of introduction were issued after the shaykh. The ringleader knew that staying on the island would be a bad idea and they would eventually be caught, so he prepared a plan in which the bandits would sneak under cover of darkness onto a ship sailing as far away from Myrtana as possible. When night came, the bandits snuck onto the least guarded ship and hid deep beneath the sleeper. In the morning, the ship set off in a direction unknown to the shaykh. Before the bandits finally saw land they had to sit below deck for a good few weeks, eating the supplies the ship was transporting, but when the moment came to dock at the port of some town, the shaykh prepared to go ashore. It was after noon at the time, and the ship's crew, having prepared the ship in the harbor, set out for the local tavern, while a few people remained on the ship itself who were busy with their own affairs. The bandits went ashore it was an unfamiliar island, no one recognized them as criminals, so they left the town as quickly as possible and set out along the road towards the inn as the signpost indicated. When they were already in front of the inn, they entered it and rested there for a while. Herst, on the other hand, questioned the innkeeper about various matters and information regarding the island they were on. It turned out that the place they were on was called "Khorinis", and that there was a colony on the island where ore was being mined for the King. The bandits knew that this was an opportunity to make money so they set off toward the pass and set up camp nearby. At first they attacked lone wanderers and traders, but after a month on the island they realized that weekly shipments of ore escorted by a couple of knights were being sent out. The shaykhs thought they were making easy money, and this drove them to the grave. They prepared an ambush for one of the weekly transports, but the knights were not so easily surprised. The bandits didn't stand much of a chance, and Viper, watching his comrades die, knew he didn't stand much of a chance and ran toward the pass, not knowing what awaited him in the new lands, time would tell.
- Viper is his nickname, not real name.