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drakaniaversewiki>DamianQ Created page with "{{CharacterTemplate | title=Ur'Karrak | image=UrKarrak_S48.png | image_desc=Ur'Karrak (Morgrad-48) | alias= | origin=?, Arda'gol | residence=Orc City, Valley of Mines | age=68 | religion=Ignisnia, Beliar | status=Alive | race=Human | gender=Male | family=Akorsh tribe | factions=Loner }}'''Ur'Karrak of the Akorsh tribe''' is a strong and stout orc. He is also characterized by meanness and rudeness. The only thin..." |
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Latest revision as of 23:56, 28 July 2024
Ur'Karrak of the Akorsh tribe is a strong and stout orc. He is also characterized by meanness and rudeness. The only thing he stands out for is undoubtedly his great leadership skills.
And here came into the world another orc from the Akorsh tribe, one of the many other tribes of Nordmar. The son of a chief and his successor in his own right. Ur'Karrak - for that was his name - was seen as meager and weak (for an orc). However, over time he grew and became stronger. His father Kan, who was the chief of the tribe, was not proud of his son because the latter, often recoiled from weapons training and preferred to watch the craftsmen work. That changed the day the hunters were attacked by paladins. On the same day, the war began, and the chief set his sights on mobilizing troops.
Today the wretched morras have declared war on us! - a shriek of orcs rang out in the village - And we will face them together with other tribes. I intend to stand together with you to face them and raise the axe to behead them! - in the village the orcs again gave a shout - That's why today we are going to Myrtana to conquer their cities! - they all stood gazing at the leader. From behind his back came out his son. Already fully grown and ready to go to war with them. In the village, the orcs looked at each other in amazement. This is my son! - Kan pointed to Ur'Karrak - And he will go to war with us today. Do you have anything against it! - In the village everyone fell silent - I thought so too. Get ready! And in the village began to prepare for war, and it looked like everyone took his axe and went towards Kan's house. About 150 orcs gathered, ready for battle. Soon about 20 tribes of about 150 orcs each gathered on the border with Myrtana. They were able to conquer all of Myrtana without much trouble. They set out. They occupied Faring and went further and further. They occupied key cities, and Ur'Karrak played a big role. His father sent him to Khorinis, where the orc army was stationed. He traveled on an orc galley.
He and his crew disembarked and found a battlefield. Swathes of corpses and hectoliters of blood did not impress him. He walked across the field to the orc camp, where he got the bad news. It was the orcs who had lost the battle. Angry, he went to the tent that had been prepared for him earlier. The next morning he regrouped the orc troops and set out for the unsuspecting paladins. Of course, the gate was closed, but this was not an insurmountable obstacle for the orcs. A battering ram trailed right behind them. However, before the orcs broke into the city, the defenders of Khornis were already on their feet. However, fear appeared on their faces. They were not as strong as they had been during the last battle, and the orcs had new strength. They broke into the city and the battle began. The deadliest battle on Khorinis in centuries. There were no winners or losers, there were the fallen and the survivors. And the latter were a handful.
The orcs returned to the continent and there found the victory of the orcs.Ur'Karrak returned to the city in which his father had become ruler, and the other tribal chiefs, as you might guess, occupied other cities. When his son informed him of this he broke down and ordered him to stay. Ur'Karrak one day met the commander of the Necromancers. A certain Aulaler. In a dream, Beliar commanded him to join forces with him. He did so.
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